By default, DrawSQL will periodically check and save any diagram edits to reduce the loss of data. The current autosave frequency is set at 5-minute intervals. Even with Autosave on, you can still use the Save button at any time to manually save your most recent version while drawing your database diagram.
Disabling autosave
Autosave is enabled by default for all diagrams. Sometimes, you might want more control over when a save is triggered, e.g.: If you're brainstorming and want to quickly make and discard new changes, or if you have multiple tabs open for the same diagram.
To turn off autosave:
1. Click on "File" in the top nav, then "Diagram settings"
2. In the modal popup, you'll see a section for autosave. Select off, then click on "Save settings"

Enabling autosave
Autosave can be turned back on via the same steps as above, and by selecting the "On" option.